In its long history, the Market has often offered a multitude of different applications all but vote for the same purpose, however, was not the case of the app Superuser , that virtually anyone with a phone with root permissions to ensure them to use various app who request them. Chainfire breaks this monotony with a brand new application with many useful functions in more.
Super UP, this is its name, is divided into two versions, free and paid (1.99 €) and brings a breath of fresh air in a field that could easily be expanded, it will free the APA:
- Request to grant root permissions
- Storage permits
- Notifications have root access (configurable for each application)
- Unroot temporary
- Identification of all processes
- It works in recovery (no more segfault)
- It works because Android is not properly initiated
- Works with non-standard positions of the shell
- Does not impede the connections via ADB
- Always turns into ghost mode (and wakes up on request)
The Pro version provides more:
- OTA survival mode (there are no guarantees, but the app, and then root permissions, should remain even after an update)
- Log Color command (input / output / error)
- Configuring the log for each app
- User override for each app
- Protection with PIN
Download : SuperSU Pro
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