Sprint reportedly said that the Android 4.0.4 update was ready to go to air handset the Samsung 4G Galaxy Nexus S, but some customers wonder why they did not receive the notification. Google released the image of complete functioning system for the Nexus S 4G Galaxy in the interval, but installing it is a full format of your device and it would be ideal if you're just really looking for the update software. Android fans did some searching around and finally found a link over-the-air download and it means you do not have to wait for any notification for your update.
Galaxy Nexus owners can simply follow the specific instructions outlined below to get the update. Links have been posted via AndroidPolice.com and other web sites in the technology category. The total download size is listed at 143MB, so it would be ideal to download the update while connected to your Wi-Fi network to ensure a full, uninterrupted download. Once you use the links to download the software you can follow these instructions for the install.
First, rename the file you downloaded to update.zip then you can move the file to your devices /sdcard directory using whatever method is easier for you, the best might be to use the USB cable. Now you can reboot your phone and when it starts back up, hold the Volume Up + Power buttons. From there you can select “recovery” and the phone will reboot into recovery mode, but first you will see a warning and then you can just push the same two buttons a couple of times or until the reboot screen shows up. Go ahead and select the “Apply sdcard update.zip” option and this should start the updating process for your phone. When that is complete, go ahead and reboot your phone and when it comes back up you should be able to enjoy the full benefits of Android 4.0.4.
There is no telling how long you might wait if you are not getting the notification now, which is 5 days later, but the help from some Android Central users really made getting the update much easier to do. Just about 5 months ago, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus was released in the United States and the phone came with the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich update installed.
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