Jaxbot, developer of Windows Phone Hacker, has released a few days ago an application that allows you to disable the accelerometer, allowing you to use your smartphone in portrait mode only.
One of the flaws of Windows Phone 7 is the inability to disable the auto-rotation system . A key aspect, which he strongly feels the lack. There are indeed situations where you prefer to remain in the phone display in portrait rather than landscape (prime example, lying on the couch or in bed).
Jaxbot fortunately developer comes to the rescue of Windows Phone 7 users, releasing an application to disable the accelerometer, allowing you to disable the auto-rotation of fact.
The application AccelDisable however, is compatible only with Windows 7 Phone unlocked devices, since the Homebrew application.
The application works is very simple: When the application it will launch a closing control directly to the accelerometer, using the driover ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES .
To enable the auto-rotation, simply launch the application again and restart your smartphone. He is currently certified to work seamlessly with AccelDisable smartphone Samsung and LG.
Download and more information on the official website .
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