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Monday, April 9, 2012

Nokia Lumia 900 vs HTC One X vs iPhone 4S [VIDEO]

In the last comparison with the iPhone 4S there was a suggestion that perhaps the Lumia 900 should be compared with the HTC One X. Well here’s both.

In these two videos you can see comparison of the screen and camera.

On the screen test, the Lumia 900′s CBD is said to stand out the most, with the image appearing like as if someone put a photo on the display. Remember this was often commented on about the 800 and N9 too – the display looks like it’s a floating image, not actually under the glass.

The iPhone whilst having very high density is said to lose out – colours being less punchy, apparently it could use more saturation. There was a comment on the Lumia that it might be a little too saturated – so on that the One X in his opinion had the best for this particular image. It is difficult to appreciate screens from behind a camera. Overall, the Lumia 900 is praised for having the nicest viewing experience with the photo on the Lumia 900 just standing out. I’m glad the guy just didn’t read the specs and instantly crown the one with the highest pixel density or resolution. There are things that you just can’t appreciate until you experience the device in person. Not saying the Lumia 900 will always be the best, but that there’s more to a screen than the pixels.

This second video looks at camera, from locked to taking a picture as fast as possible.
Now, prior to WP, activating the cameras on all other phones required to first unlock the phone. WP phones can take a picture (even if there is a passcode needed – you cannot look through the gallery, only the ones you took just then) but holding the camera button. iOS and Android now have quick start functions too. The Lumia version is the most convenient, though iPhone’s tap and flick is quite fast. The HTC screams of Nokia Bubbles, no?
The picture from the 900 was very disappointing here. I’m hoping it was more of an issue with not getting sufficient focusing time (it has to lock focus first and just pressing down doesn’t allow for that). The picture looks very dark. It’s something I get with my 800 and based on some early samples from the 900 I thought that issue was solved. There is something weird I’ve noticed in the gallery – the ‘thumbnail’ zoomed out view is much more saturated/darker than when you zoom in. It’s very odd and I’m not sure anyone at MS has noticed to ever bother fixing this as it was something on my Omnia 7 too. I never really bothered much with photos as they were pretty bad anyway on the Sammy.


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